RBC e-form 1403 2003-2024 free printable template
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Instructions and Help about yes hours total form
What's up party people hey thanks watching these videos in this video I want to talk about what to put in your personal statement for word that's it actually could be college to residency whatever it's all the same principles, so this is very important because if you do not know what to say to the people who are evaluating you for in med school and you they're they're going to like drop into the bottom so pay attention damn it so first of all what is the purpose of the personal statement they and the purpose in my mind okay is to understand why you want to go into medicine that's number one the reason you want to know why somebody wants to go into medicine it's because it's hard and at some point you are going to say fish I'm out of here this is terrible what kind of stupid mistake did I make by doing this I have to quit and do something else invariably you will say that at some point, so I want to know if you're applying to my program what is going to make you decide not to quit and what it is that's going to make you decide not quitting as your motivation what is your motivation for going into vet school is it money because if it's just a bunch of money you're going to be like I'm going to Wall Street, and I'm gonna work there take all the skin abuse well you still have to take the abuse the funny thing is like no matter where you go if you're going to be like a lot of money you're going to take some abuse somehow, but you don't know that, and then you're a mess, and you're like oh I pass the screener over there them to go ahead that's an issue so what you have to do is you got to know like your purpose in life that your complete purpose because sometimes that comes later but what's your motivation at this point in life to go into medicine so an example one of my friends I'm not going to tell you my example because my example sucks, so one of my friends want to go to plastic surgery she tells told the story they got in a car wreck when she was really young and her sister got her face split open awful and the plastic surgeons fixed her sister's face and so that was that's like something there you go oh like you can always remember that that's a good motivation it's really you know like it's something that touches you and will always be with you what if it's your sister right, so that's the kind of thing that you want to find or what you want to put into your personal statement, so that's what you need to do because when the going gets tough what are you gonna reach for like in here and in here that's going to allow you to say no even though I'm getting a lot of punishment even though I'm working 16 I'm breeding in 12 hours a day and every day and all my friends are out having fun, and now I'm a resident everybody has a regular job my friends are buying houses and buying cars going out to dinner and acting like real adults meanwhile I'm still studying every day, and I'm four, and I'm you know like I don't have anything, and I'm like getting...
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